Kirk and I wanted to get back to Austin on multiple fronts: see Melissa and Jay, Elizabeth and Kirkland; Lisa to see some clients in Texas and we wanted to spend some time with Melissa, who was due on April 18th.
On Saturday, April 9th we headed back to Sarasota expecting to be back in Austin the week of April 18th figuring Melissa would deliver late being first child and all of that. Well, on Sunday, April 10th, (less than 24 hours after we landed in Sarasota) Melissa called to say her water broke and Baby Perrett was on the way.
We booked a flight and we were back in Austin the very next day. By Monday night, our beautiful Elizabeth Etta Perrett was born. We call her Elle and we are very, did I say very, proud grandparents.
Congratulations to Jay and Melissa – proud parents and to the newly minted Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Kirkland !